Dr. Michael 孔特是UCSF血管和血管内外科部门的负责人. In his clinical practice, 孔特 specializes in treating patients with peripheral artery disease. 他的研究包括开发技术,以提高普通血管手术的寿命和耐久性.
A: Growing up in New York, I attended a math 和 science high school, which is where I first became interested in engineering. 晚些时候, as an undergraduate at Boston University, 我正在学习生物力学工程时,我母亲病得很重,需要做心脏手术. That was my first up-close look at medicine. 我被两件事打动了:她的外科十大赌博平台排行榜的信心,以及她在手术后的显著好转. She'd been acutely ill 和, thanks to surgery, got better quickly. 作为一个年轻人,这给我留下了深刻的印象:对感觉如此失控的情况的压倒性恐惧,以及一位知道该怎么做的外科十大赌博平台排行榜所灌输的冷静和信心. 我亲眼看到了手术改变一个人生活轨迹的潜力,我知道这就是我想做的.
Q: You've been at UCSF since 2008. What makes it an ideal place to do your work?
A: UCSF is a leader in vascular surgery. Our training program — now 50 years old — was one of the first in the country. The first surgeon ever certified in vascular surgery, Dr. 埃德温·J. Wylie, practiced at UCSF. His certificate in vascular surgery hangs outside my office.
That robust history makes UCSF an auspicious place for any vascular surgeon, 但我真正喜欢在加州大学旧金山分校工作的是我们的临床复杂性, innovation 和 discovery. 加州大学旧金山分校的卓越声誉意味着其他十大赌博平台排行榜经常将复杂的病例转介给我们. I love the challenge of helping the sickest of the sick.
和, 最后, as a teacher 和 researcher, I get to train outst和ing young people to be the next generation of leaders. 在加州大学旧金山分校,具有挑战性的临床实践和良好的研究环境是无与伦比的.
A: UCSF has some distinct advantages over other hospital centers. 对于初学者来说, 我们的团队在治疗其他地方可能拒绝手术的高危患者方面很在行. UCSF的血管外科团队在帮助这些患者完成手术和康复方面具有很高的专业水平. 和, 当然, 那些不是高风险的病人在接受安全治疗方面获益良多, 最先进的手术和良好的后续护理,经验丰富,敬业的团队.
在加州大学旧金山分校,我们的两个项目是国际公认的,吸引了来自湾区以外的患者. The first relates to diseases of the aorta: aneurysms 和 dissections. 加州大学旧金山分校的外科十大赌博平台排行榜开创了微创治疗复杂动脉瘤的方法,使用的设备在全球只有少数医疗中心可用. 我们也提供经验丰富的开放手术修复复杂的主动脉病变,这在许多中心是不提供的. 在去年的Leapfrog十大赌博平台排行榜调查中,我们的腹主动脉瘤(AAA)修复结果在加利福尼亚州被评为最高水平.
The second innovative vascular program at UCSF is the Center for Limb Preservation, where patients with severe leg circulation problems, such as 糖尿病, are closely treated 和 supervised by a team of providers. Members of the team include vascular surgeons, 足病医师, 执业护士, 和, 在必要的时候, specialists from other fields, including endocrinology, infectious disease 和 plastic surgery. In the same visit, patients see the team 和 make treatment decisions together.
在加州大学旧金山分校之外, 患有严重外周动脉疾病或糖尿病足的人可能会浪费宝贵的时间等待去看三到四个不同的专家. At UCSF a comprehensive treatment approach addresses problems early, provides excellent vascular, podiatric 和 wound care, 和 ensures no one slips through the cracks.
Q: What's one of the biggest challenges in your field?
A:好消息是患有血管疾病的人比以往任何时候都活得长, but the bad news is that many procedures don't age as well as our patients. 血管外科十大赌博平台排行榜提供各种技术复杂的微创手术来替换或打开阻塞或受损的血管, but these operations can cause scarring that narrows the blood vessels again. 随着人们年龄的增长, they often need multiple repeat procedures, with each one offering a declining benefit. It's less of a problem with big vessels, 比如主动脉, 和 more of a problem with smaller vessels, such as those in the extremities.
在一个完美的十大赌博平台排行榜, we'd unblock or bypass a blood vessel 和 the fix would last for 20 years, which is about the lifespan of an artificial joint, for comparison's sake. But vascular surgery isn't there yet. 这就是为什么我对血管伤口愈合过程如此感兴趣.
是的. A scar is an injury or a wound the body has resolved. The body is amazing at bouncing back from a range of insults 和 injuries. 在一生中, our bodies get thous和s of small 和 large wounds, from mosquito bites to surgical incisions. 但是,当血管在血管手术过程中“受伤”时,身体内外都会留下疤痕, the body uses scar tissue to heal. 随着时间的推移, 在动脉中形成的疤痕组织对病人的伤害和原来的阻塞一样大.
Q: Tell me about how you're looking to fish oil to help solve this problem?
答:疤痕是炎症的结果,这是身体对损伤的自然反应. Scientists have long known that fish oil reduces inflammation. Picture inflammation like a smoldering fire. 鱼油中的成分会触发人体的喷水系统,从本质上浇灭了余烬. 在美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)的资助下. Tejal Desai, a bioengineer at UCSF, 和 Dr. Charles Serhan at Harvard University, 我们的实验室开发了治疗性生物材料和纳米技术,使用鱼油衍生化合物来促进血管愈合并减少疤痕组织的形成.
我们正在研究的一种装置是一种薄的、可生物降解的膜,里面有这些化合物. 在手术过程中, 十大赌博平台排行榜将薄膜放置在疤痕可能成为问题的位置或附近, 例如,在阻塞或狭窄的动脉周围,静脉移植物可以改变血液流动的方向. 目的是在伤口愈合时,薄膜会缓慢释放抗炎化合物, minimizing scar tissue. Eventually, the film dissolves inside the body. We are testing this technology in animals 和 the results are very exciting.
Q: What evolution in the field do you hope to see in your lifetime?
A: Ideally, I'd like to put vascular surgeons out of business. What if we could control or stop narrowing of the arteries without surgery? 就目前而言,动脉硬化或动脉狭窄是一个非常缓慢的过程. 如果我们能让它慢下来,这样一个人就可以在没有疾病的情况下度过他或她的一生? 要做到这一点, 我们需要更好的工具来识别那些最有可能进展的患者,并学习如何及早治疗他们.
Q: What part of your job do you most enjoy?
A:这是一种混合物. I get to experience the acute challenge of performing complex operations. 我可以带领人们度过医疗危机,并在另一边安全地看着他们. I get to teach smart, motivated young people. 我对实验研究很兴奋,因为我永远不知道自己会发现什么. In short, I am never bored.
Q: What do you enjoy doing when you're not practicing medicine?
A:我妻子和我有三个十几岁的孩子,我们全家都喜欢一起打网球. 与家人和朋友打一场网球,吃一顿美餐,这就是完美的星期天.