怀孕 从我很小的时候起就吸引了我. 怀孕的肚子很神奇. If you stop and think about it — you can't design a better machine! 但有时事情会偏离轨道, 哪怕是轻微的, and result in complicated situations for mothers or babies or both. 特别是在这些情况下, 这项工作可以帮助改变他们的生活轨迹, 反过来, 他们的家庭生活. That's what drives me, what makes me proud to be a perinatologist.
我和一个生病的父亲一起长大. 我那时还是个孩子, 一个青少年, 一个年轻的成年人, 坐在听诊器的另一边, trying hard to understand what was being said to me and my family. I was saddened and frustrated at how hard it was for doctors to explain things, 告诉我们发生了什么, 或者只是为了花时间.
For me, cutting-edge medicine is more than just having the latest technology and the best people. What makes you the very best is also being able to help the patient understand what's going on, 帮助他们在这个过程中成为合作伙伴. 教病人对我来说很重要, 就像我教我的同事一样, what their disease is about and how we are going to try to approach it. 我花了很多时间在白板上, drawing it out and trying to make sure they feel as comfortable with the information as possible.
I think the old adage is true, that knowledge is power. But knowledge also gives you peace of mind and the calm to approach the situation.
作为一个纽约人, 当我被加州大学旧金山分校招募搬到加州时, I thought I could never do it — I could never leave my roots and family on the East Coast. 一开始,我甚至不打算接受面试! But — smart people that they are — they were sure it would be a great fit and convinced me to fly out and take a look for myself and meet the people here.
Sure enough, within the first hour or two of the interviews, I was hooked. The people I met were indeed of a caliber that's hard to describe. I remember thinking that this is where I'd want to be if I were a patient. 这样就成功了.
What was it about the people you met during that interview that impressed you?
I could see it in the eyes of the doctor who was interviewing me that day, her drive and interest and worry about these patients and, in this instance, the excitement of fetal surgery to help them overcome what 他们面对着. 那是一种充满活力的气氛,但同时 warm and loving — and that is exactly the kind of balance that's 这对十大赌博平台排行榜来说很重要. 我在这个十大赌博平台排行榜身上看到了这一点,而且很快 在那天所有的面试官中.
UCSF has the people, the drive, the science, the technology — but perhaps one of the strongest pulls for me is the sophistication of the 研究. It stems from truly wanting to make a difference, to change 现在的事情,要用创新的方式去做. 胎儿手术是其中之一 这是最好的例子. 加州大学旧金山分校是一切开始的地方 the very first procedure took place, where people thought "outside the 盒子." Something that no one thought was possible was made possible.
你曾说加州大学旧金山分校是你的最后一站. 你这话是什么意思?
This is a hospital where you can have the most grounded birth experience imaginable, with a sage midwife at your side and memories 这将是你一生的挚爱. 但这也是中心 which providers in California and around the country send their patients when they're having serious difficulties with their pregnancies.
This place is not about getting the patient in and out the door — this place is about the patient and what they're suffering with and how 我们会解决它的. 这里的人特意来这里 作为一个团队一起寻找解决方案.
UCSF is the last stop because this is where we are going to take 关心你. This is where you'll get what you need, whether your case is simple and straightforward or as difficult and rare as can be.
You cared for Meghann Bauer when she was pregnant with twins. Can you explain the condition that threatened her babies?
In twin-to-twin transfusion, the two babies share one single placenta 而不是每个都有自己的. 就像两个房客住在一起 in a building and having to share plumbing as opposed to each having their own — there's no control over how much each one gets or how well 他们共享资源.
Within this shared placenta, the "plumbing" is an intricate network of blood vessels, and in twin-to-twin transfusion, one twin sends blood 给它的孪生兄弟,而那个孪生兄弟不能回报你的血. 所以,一个双胞胎结束了 up with way too much blood in its circulation and is overloaded with volume, while the other is severely anemic and doing poorly. 最终 both twins can get extremely sick and are at risk of dying.
Meghann underwent a fetal surgery called laser ablation. To disconnect the blood vessels that are communicating with one another in that shared placenta, you need to put a device into the uterus that 让我们可以烧掉这些不好的联系.
这不是一个简单的过程. 你需要一个专家团队 care of both the mother and the fetuses — three patients. 包括 anesthesiologists who specialize in fetal procedures, pediatric surgeons, perinatologists like myself, neonatologists who specialize in 新生儿和专科护士. 它还包括儿科医疗 social workers who help with organizing everything and support the 病人和她的家人度过了危机.
You need the best possible people on the team to give you the best outcome possible — and UCSF attracts that team!